Dr. Shuwei Sun is the Professor at the School of Energy and Mining Engineering of China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing). Formerly, he received his BA at East China Jiaotong Univerisy, and MA/PhD at China Academy of Railway Sciences, and was Post-doctoral Fellow at the department of Hydraulic Engineering of Tsinghua University. He has held the Government-sponsored visiting scholar position in Colorado School of Mines in the USA. Dr. Shuwei Sun’s main research interests are in slope stability analyses, slope reinforcements and landslide prevention. He has been involved in several slope stabilization and open pit mining projects while working in China and the USA. He is a member of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical engineering. Dr. Shuwei Sun has authored 2 books and over 60 refereed journal papers, including selected 40 signatures as follows.
[1] 孙书伟,林杭,任连伟. FLAC3D在岩土工程中的应用[M]. 北京:中国水利水电出版社,2011年6月.
[2] 王家臣,孙书伟. 露天矿边坡工程[M]. 北京:科学出版社,2016年2月.
[3] Sun, Sw., Liu, L., Hu, Jb, Ding H. Failure characteristics and mechanism of a rain-triggered landslide in the northern longwall of Fushun west open pit, China. Landslides (2022). DOI 10.1007/s10346-022 -01926- 3 (SCI, Q1)
[4] Sun, Sw., Pang, B., Hu, Jb. et al. Characteristics and mechanism of a landslide at Anqian iron mine, China. Landslides (2021). 18: 2593-2607. DOI 10.1007/ s10346- 021-01671-z. (SCI, Q1)
[5] Y. Wang, S. Sun*, B. Pang, L. Liu, Base friction test on unloading deformation mechanism of soft foundation waste dump under gravity. Measurement (2020). DOI 10.1016/j.measurement.2020. 108054. (SCI, Q1)
[6] Shu-Wei Sun, Ben-Zhen Zhu, Jia-Chen Wang. Design method for stabilization of earth slopes with micropiles. Soils and Foundations (2013). 53(4): 487-497. DOI 10.1016/j.sandf.2013.06.002. (SCI)
[7] Hou Zhen-Kun, Cheng Han-Lie, Shuwei Sun, et al. Crack propagation and hydraulic fracturing in different lithologies. Applied Geophysics (2019). 16(2): 243-251. DOI:10.1007/s11770-019-0764-3. (SCI)
[8] Shuwei Sun, Fu-quan Chen, Wei Wang. Mechanism and remediation of a seismically induced landslide with a potential for deep seated sliding. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (2015). 52(3): 155-162. DOI 10.1007/s11204-015-9322-z. (SCI)
[9] Shuwei Sun, Fu Zhao, Kui Zhang. Stability of slopes reinforced with truncated piles. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (2016). DOI 10.1155/2016/1570983. (SCI)
[10] Shuwei Sun, Jiachen Wang,Jing Zheng. Analysis of a railway embankment landslide induced by the Wenchuan earthquake, China. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (2013). 50(2): 56-60. DOI 10.1007/s11204-013-9210-3. (SCI)
[11] Shu-Wei Sun, Wei Wang, Fu Zhao. Three-dimensional stability analysis of a homogeneous slope reinforced with micropiles. Mathematical Problems in Engineering (2014). DOI 10.1155/2014/ 864017. (SCI)
[12] SUN Shu-wei, WANG Jia-chen, BIAN Xiao-lin. Design of micropiles to increase earth slopes stability. Journal of Central South University (2013). 20(5): 1361-1367.
[13] Wang, Yk., Sun, Sw., Liu, L. Mechanism, Stability and Remediation of a Large Scale External Waste Dump in China. Geotech Geol Eng (2019). 37, 5147–5166. DOI 10.1007/s10706-019-00969-z.
[14] 孙书伟, 庞博, 刘流等. 露天矿排土场土工格栅加固试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2022, 41(11): 1713-1726. (EI)
[15] 孙书伟, 庞博, 刘流. 露天排土场不同排土工艺失稳机制对比试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2021, 40(8): 3039-3044. (EI)
[16] 王玉凯, 孙书伟, 庞博. 露天矿软弱基底排土场卸荷变形机理试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2020, 39(2): 359-373. (EI)
[17] 孙书伟, 王卫, 朱本珍. 高路堤预应力锚索桩板墙承载特性分析. 岩土工程学报, 2015, 37(10): 1818-1825. (EI)
[18] 孙书伟, 陈冲, 丁辉等. 微型桩群加固土坡稳定性分析. 岩土工程学报, 2014, 36(12): 2306-2314. (EI)
[19] 孙书伟, 朱本珍, 郑静. 基于极限抗力分析的微型桩群加固土质边坡设计方法. 岩土工程学报, 2010, 32(11): 1664-1669. (EI)
[20] 孙书伟, 朱本珍, 马惠民. 框架微型桩抗滑特性的室内试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2010, 29(s1): 3039-3044. (EI)
[21] 孙书伟, 朱本珍, 马惠民等. 微型桩群与普通抗滑桩抗滑特性的室内对比试验研究. 岩土工程学报, 2009, 31(10): 1564-1570. (EI)
[22] 孙书伟, 朱本珍, 马惠民. 典型顺层高边坡工程病害特性地质力学模型试验研究. 岩土工程学报, 2008, 30(9): 1349-1355. (EI)
[23] 朱本珍, 孙书伟, 郑静. 微型桩群加固堆积层滑坡原位试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2011, 30(s1): 2858-2864. (EI)
[24] 孙书伟, 马惠民, 张忠平. 顺层高边坡开挖松动区研究. 岩土力学. 2008, 29(6): 1665-1668. (EI)
[25] 孙书伟, 刘流, 朱本珍.微型桩群加固边坡三维复合体形成判据研究. 铁道工程学报. 2021, 38(3): 1-7. (EI)
[26] 孙书伟, 胡家冰, 朱本珍. 微型桩加固边坡土拱形成机制及结构特征研究. 铁道工程学报. 2020, 37(11): 31-36. (EI)
[27] 孙书伟, 张奎, 朱本珍. 微型桩加固土坡极限抗力分析方法. 中国公路学报, 2018, 31(2): 115-123. (EI)
[28] 孙书伟, 马宁, 胡家冰. 抗滑桩土拱演化特征及机理分析. 铁道工程学报. 2019, 36(11): 7-12. (EI)
[29] 孙书伟, 朱本珍, 马宁. 城市地下综合管廊开挖方法及设计参数分析. 铁道工程学报. 2019, 36(3): 61-66. (EI)
[30] 董威信, 孙书伟,于玉贞. 堆石料动力特性大型三轴试验研究. 岩土力学. 2011, 32(s2): 296-232. (EI)
[31] 孙书伟, 朱本珍. 微型桩群加固土坡抗滑力数值模拟研究. 铁道工程学报. 2018, 35(1): 1-5. (EI)
[32] 孙书伟, 朱本珍, 谭冬生. 微型桩在路堑边坡加固中的应用及机理分析. 铁道工程学报. 2017, 34(3): 6-10. (EI)
[33] 孙书伟, 陈冲, 王卫等. 微型桩组合结构加固边坡稳定性耦合分析. 中南大学学报. 2015, 46(10): 3774-3781. (EI)
[34] 孙书伟, 朱本珍, 冯孟乾. 微型抗滑桩加固边坡极限抗力研究. 铁道工程学报. 2017, 34(7): 36-41. (EI)
[35] 孙书伟, 王卫, 王建文等. 分体式锚杆加固边坡设计理论及应用. 中南大学学报. 2015, 46(12): 4618-4624. (EI)
[36] 王俊, 孙书伟,陈冲. 饱水黄土基底排土场地质力学模型试验研究. 煤炭学报. 2014, 39(5): 861-867. (EI)
[37] 孙书伟, 朱本珍, 马惠民. 一种基于模糊理论的区域性高边坡稳定性评价方法. 铁道学报, 2010, 32(3): 77-83. (EI)
[38] 孙书伟, 朱本珍, 谭冬生. 黄土地区管道沿线填土边坡滑坡发生机理和防治对策. 中国铁道科学. 2008, 29(4): 8-14. (EI)
[39] 孙书伟, 朱本珍, 张忠平. 顺层高边坡开挖松动区数值模拟研究. 铁道学报. 2008, 30(5): 74-79. (EI)
[40] 孙书伟, 王玉凯, 庞博. 一种岩质边坡结构面三维随机网络模拟方法. 矿业科学学报. 2018, 3(5): 461-469.